The #LocalMediaMatters educational project has now concluded

The #LocalMediaMatters educational project has now concluded after several months of study trips, interactive sessions, expert lectures, creative workshops , international networking and friendships and of course parties —a project with many meaningful parts.
We extend our sincere thanks to our main partner, the Institute for Media and Communication Policy (Germany) and specifically Dr Leonard Novy, for their fruitful cooperation, to the German Federal Foreign Office for their financial support and to all other partners, stakeholders, and volunteers who contributed to this journey. Special thanks to our smart, ambitious participants who strive to become the best versions of themselves.

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EngageCaucasus second workshop in Tbilisi , Georgia

The EngageCaucasus project’s central idea is to offer civil society, political, and social activists, as well as young people interested in politics and activism from Armenia and Georgia, a unique opportunity to enhance their skills in strategy, leadership, and campaigning. The second phase of the project took place in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. We began with insightful lectures from local and international speakers on the geopolitical situation in the South Caucasus, local democracies, and strategic political communication. Afterward, trainers and participants actively and practically developed project prototypes proposed by the participants.
The final part of the project was dedicated to a trip and hike in the Kazbegi mountains.

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LocalMediaMatters second workshop

August was filled with prominent events. Fifteen Armenian journalists and media representatives gathered in Berlin for the second workshop of the #LocalMediaMatters program. The seminar was organized by the Institute for Media (IfM) and EduHub, with support from the German Federal Foreign Office as part of the “Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia” program (#CivilSocietyCooperation). Participants were hosted at the new Publix House of the Schöpflin Foundation.

The program consists of three modules held in different countries and cities, taking the central role of local journalism as a starting point for systematically examining its future viability, supported by both current theoretical and practical insights. The aim is to enhance journalistic skills and techniques and to foster exchange among 15 young representatives from established media, new journalism portals, solo entrepreneurs, and academics. At the same time, participants are encouraged to reflect on their own work. This initiative creates a space for reflection, peer-to-peer coaching, and concrete project work to develop strategies for leveraging the fundamental changes brought about by digitalization in the areas of financing, production, and marketing of journalism to support regional quality journalism.

Highlights of the program included discussions with Matthias Bannert (Medieninsider), a visit to the German Bundestag, and a tour of the editorial office of Axel Springel, WELT/WamS. In addition, media and innovation expert Edith Michaeler delivered a presentation on positioning media products in a dynamic environment, helping participants begin to develop their ideas into concrete projects.

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EngageCaucasus project offers civil society, political, and social activists, as well as young people interested in politics from Armenia and Georgia, a unique opportunity to enhance their skills in strategy, leadership, and campaigning. Through three dynamic workshops in Armenian and Georgian cities, participants explore and apply innovative concepts and techniques to communicate political and social issues more effectively, engage others, and create meaningful impact. These concepts will be put into practice through hands-on projects, with a focus on promoting active civic participation and creating tangible impacts in our communities. The project is co-organized and co-authored by EduHub Youth Organization and the Institute for Media and Communication Policy (IfM), and sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office.

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LocalMediaMatters project involves interactive seminars, study trips, and networking opportunities across three cities and two countries։ Germany and Armenia. It delves into essential tools, strategies, and best practices for the future of local journalism and media in Armenia. In this highly interactive experience, media scholars and journalistic practitioners gain fresh insights from international debates,discussions and develop concrete strategies to strengthen local and regional journalism. Additionally, the program features a trip to Berlin, where participants will visit famous media outlets and institutions, focusing on applying the acquired knowledge to the Armenian context. The project is organized and co-authored by EduHub Youth Organization and the Institute for Media and Communication Policy (IfM), and sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office.

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Erasmus Alumni Leading the Future of Change

The project titled “Erasmus Alumni Leading the Future of Change” took place in Yerevan, Armenia from October 15th to 18th, 2023. The targeted university was Yerevan Brusov State University, and there were over 100 participants. The main goals of the project were to introduce the beneficiaries to ESAA and its mission and opportunities within it. Another goal was to familiarize local young people and students with the Erasmus+ program, which offers a wide range of educational opportunities. Lastly, it served as a networking event where local youth could meet representatives from different international organizations ( garagErasmus, Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA), OCEANS, and Erasmus Student Network (ESN) ) .

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CLMV-digital-connectivity is a project consisting of intensive training series about Digital Transformation, Media Literacy and Erasmus+ programme. The training program is specially designed for young people in the CLMV countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam) and also for other countries in the ASEAN region, who face challenges of the Digital Transformation and New Media in their education and job.

The second central problem that we want to address is the lack of networking and connectivity between the CLMV countries’ youth and the Western (including EU) social-educational networks. In fact, we strive to create educational and cultural opportunities for young people living in the CLMV countries.

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The effective use of digital tools during the crises

This project was consisted of series of webinars about the effective usage of certain digital tools during various crises (Pandemic, military conflicts, natural disasters).
This project was implemented with the active involvement of the student-leaders from another educational project of the garagErasmus4Yerevan organization. The aim of this project was to transfer some specific knowledge and skills to people who have lack of those types of skills or just eager to know more about the topic. The project has no age, gender limitation and was free of charge.

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Students4Students: Digitalization

Students4Students: Digitalization is an innovative project which provides an unique opportunity for the young students to become trainer and to transfer digital soft skills through the digital platform (website) among young students with fewer opportunities living in remote areas or coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. It tackles issues of unemployment, digitalization and youth activism. The project had 2 central stages: Offline and Online.
Overall there were more than 50 participants, 4 of them were student-leaders who became multipliers of the project and after the project they took initiative to organize some other educational events.
The central objectives are:

  • To train a group of young leaders (students) to become trainers of digital soft skills;
  • To train a group of young leaders (students) to become speakers of Erasmus+ (focusing on The new Erasmus+ programme for 2021-2027);
  • To launch professional work-space-website, which is the main working platform of the second stage of Students4Students project;
  • To transform the newly obtained digital soft skills to other students with fewer opportunities;
  • To develop, promote and spread ideas of digital transformation and digitalization by using the received knowledge and skills;
  • To promote ecological awareness;
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Edu VideoHub

Edu VideoHub is an international videography project which delivers various interactive and innovative  video-courses about Social Media, Blogging/Vlogging, Journalism and many other topics. The project is completely free of charge, available and accessible for everyone on Youtube. The project had more than 200 active participants and around 3000 viewers of the video chapters.
The project’s goals are as follows:

  • To help the beneficiaries to acquire skills of targeting topics, making video blogs and promoting the product on social media platforms;
  • To make high quality video course reachable literally for everyone (the target group is 16-25 y.o. but everyone is welcomed to watch);
  • To organize a small competition among the participants of the project in this way to motivate them to complete video course and watch all the series;
  • To promote Erasmus+ through the interactive sessions;

To create a new educational, digital platform

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