Edu VanHub Intensive Phase

In 2021, Edu VanHub was scaled up and implemented with some new features. This time the target country was Armenia. The moving hub drove to Armenian 12 rural communities and implemented 24 training-sessions. There were more than 180 participants. All the trainings were delivered based on non-formal education methodology and techniques.

The specific objectives of the project were:

  • To introduce digital learning tools to the beneficiaries, help them to learn how to analyze and evaluate information in a critical way
  • To prepare them to being engaged in the production of media as independent users;
  • To help the beneficiaries to acquire skills of targeting topics, making video blogs and promoting the product on social media platform;
  •  To employ the freshly obtained skills in understanding the concept of individual mobility in Erasmus+ ;
  • Facilitate the access to Erasmus+ ;
  • To teach to filter out fake information ;

To make outdoor promotion of Erasmus+ in 12 rural communities of Armenia.

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Edu VanHub International Phase

The second phase of the Edu VanHub international project was implemented in various EaP countries such as Georgia, Armenia, Russia and Ukraine. Overall, within the international phase of the project, our team has crossed around 8k kilometers in order to implement the project. The project was recognized as one of the best educational startups in 2019 by the European Commission.
The general objectives were:

  • To introduce the beneficiaries with digital learning tools
  • To help them to learn how to analyze information in a critical way and evaluate it based on that analysis;
  • To prepare them to be engaged in the production of  media independent users;
  • To employ the newly learnt skills in understanding the concept of individual mobility in Erasmus+;
  • To develop an online platform (website) where the beneficiaries can network, get mentorship and advices, exchange information, create new media contents, initiate and participate in media campaigns and competitions, share some thoughts and ideas, get updated information about Erasmus+ opportunities etc.
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Edu VanHub Pilot Phase

Edu VanHub is an international educational project that promotes the role of media literacy for the inclusion and empowerment of socially disadvantaged youth living in rural areas.
It’s a Moving Hub on the wheels. The first phase of the Edu VanHub education project took place in 2018 in ten Armenian villages (Lori and Shirak regions). The project reached out more than 100 teenage participants during this phase. The project methodology is designed on the principle that educational spaces/projects can be moveable and that learning can take place anywhere if there is interaction (movement) between people.
 The main goals were:

  • Introduction of participants with Media and Digital Knowledge;
  • Empowerment of socially disadvantaged young people through specific Media skills;
  • Introduction of the Erasmus + programme;
  • Distribution of media information about Erasmus+ program opportunities;
  • Creation of the online platform where participants can get information about various opportunities and get educational advice from media professionals;
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